Who’s in Control?

I don’t feel like I’m control of my life lately.  My time gets eaten up too quickly and I’m not getting everything on my list done on any given day.  Want to know what came to mind as I titled this blog?  “God should be in control”.  In that brief moment I realized I haven’t been praying like I should be.  Today’s goal and every day here after I need to set aside some quiet time where I can reconnect with God.  It’s hard for me to give up my quiet time.  There’s not that much of it during my day and by the end of it I’m exhausted.  I’m not an early riser…I know, I know, excuses excuses!  Perhaps my feeling out of control is God saying “enough with the excuses, I’m right here waiting to help you”!  Do you know what I just realized?  It’s pretty quiet in my house right now.  The little boys are eating breakfast and the oldest boy is making his lunch.  I just missed an opportunity.  The quiet was interrupted when the oldest boy cried out because he dumped boiling water and it splashed on his hands.  The little boys are now laughing because they dumped their milk out of their bowls and they are spreading it around on the table….my moments will be brief but I think if I learn to recognize them that God will bless me when I turn to Him.

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